I keep thinking about last Sunday's Gospel (Matthew 14:22-33). There's just so much in this story. It's easy to make it into a simple point: Get out of the boat! Trust Jesus! But going to "the point" cuts out so much that's worth pondering.
Why does Jesus send the disciples on ahead? There's no one answer. Today I'm going with: the whole thing is an experiment, for them to see what life is like without him. They set off, and things get hard: the wind blows against them. They row harder. It's not working. At this point they're not afraid; they're just tired and stressed.
Then Jesus comes strolling along. He's not struggling. He's cruising. Now they're afraid: this makes no sense. Is that a ghost? He says no, it's me. Peter isn't sure, but he's willing to be convinced: if it's you, command me to do what you're doing.
Now, I love this moment. It sounds like a test, and in a way it is, but if Peter didn't already believe somehow he wouldn't risk meeting the challenge. A demon could command him to get out of the boat, and he'd be fish food. But when Jesus says "Come," he does. He already believes that this is Jesus, albeit doing things he's never seen him do. He doesn't follow perfectly, but he does follow. He gets to experience walking on water. I bet he remembers this after Jesus has left.
The other disciples don't even try to get out of the boat. They, not Peter, are the ones of "little faith." They'd rather stay in their boat than risk following Jesus in this crazy way. Row, row, row. Keep trying. Do what makes sense.
The other night I dreamed I was driving a truck. It was older, beaten up, but functional. I turned onto a road that got really bad quite quickly, but I trusted the truck, and I trusted my ability to drive the truck through this bad spot. But suddenly the road ended, washed out. Before me was a pool, almost a pond. There was no way forward for the truck, or for me, unless I swam. I tried to back out, and the front of the truck - the drive mechanism, the engine - came off and stayed stuck in the mud. I knew I'd have to walk back out. That's where the dream ended.
Truck. Boat. It's the same thing. I think I can drive this puppy, I can handle the rough road on my own with my old familiar tools. But I'm ignoring the signs telling me this road is a mess. I pass two people who watch me go by. For all I know they could have helped me, but I'm certain I can do this. I'm in my boat/truck: I've got this! Until I don't.
For me this week, Matthew is talking about the contrast between rowing on my own and walking with Jesus. Jesus knows the easier, softer way. It involves a lot of prayer, a close connection to God. Both ways involve effort, but in the end Jesus' way works when mine doesn't.
Now I'm walking back out to a more open, stable place, and asking God to direct me. Show me where to go, and how. I will do my best to listen and follow. How about you?