Friday, November 24, 2017

Gratitude November 24

Somehow yesterday's post ended up in my draft folder.  Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Today I'm grateful for old and new friends who joined us for dinner last night, but I have another gratitude from that night.  Our cat, Shadow, spent time on the back of the couch and eventually locked eyes with one of our guests, Michelle.  I couldn't take a picture without moving, and so disturbing the scene.  You'll have to imagine: regal, focused cat gazing at human, aiming either to penetrate her soul or bend her to her will (it wasn't clear, and probably for Shadow they're the same thing).  Michelle has a dog, so it might also have been a moment of declaration: I smell your dog.  Keep it away from me.  This is my house.

Whatever she intended, Shadow displayed her full beauty and focus for us.  I give thanks for this cat among cats, this beautiful and mostly well-behaved feline.  Does she teach me about God?  Hmmm.  Perhaps she shows me sides of creation that don't always make me comfortable; the casual predatory and cruel parts.  She lets me love her, even when I don't understand her, and in that she mirrors God.  I have to share her love with others, and that's good practice.  I love her, but she doesn't belong to me or to the Companions.  She is who she is.

Thank you, God, for those companions of other species who round out my picture of creation.  Thank you for silly, subtle, soft, stubborn companions of all species.  Thank you for giving me the capacity to love them.

For what are you grateful today?

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