Monday, October 22, 2018

Our October Newsletter

Can be found here:

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Still Blowing . . .

Last night we welcomed Ernesto Medina as a Candidate for Covenant Companionship.  Ernesto invited some friends to join us for the ceremony, and two new people joined the Covenant Group, so our usual 12 members doubled to 24.  Through this technology people could join in from Britain, Germany, and all over the U.S.  Here's what it looked like:

We are so blessed to be surrounded by the gifts and the desire of so many people.  With each new step Elizabeth and I are learning about letting go and letting others lead us.  It's a little scary - no, it's terrifying - but it's what we've longed for from the beginning.  Please pray for all these people, that we continue to grow in love and joy together, and share that with everyone we meet.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Spirit is Blowing!

There are times for everything.  There's a time for plodding along, being faithful and trusting.  (Well, every time is a time for being faithful and trusting.)  There are times for pushing more actively.  And there are those times when it seems that everything is coming to me, and all I need to do is keep surfing the waves.  This is one of those times.

This has been the "year of rebooting," when Elizabeth and I went back to basics and asked God to send whoever and whatever we were to do next.  We've relaxed into accepting where we are, not itching to have others join, getting that all is well however it is.  And suddenly we are rebooting in a delightful way.  Other people are showing up, sharing their gifts and energy and moving us along.

A friend needed a place to stay while she is between houses and jobs.  She's spent the summer shuttling from place to place, and it's hard to build a life like that.  So we offered her our spare bedroom, and she accepted.  Now, just like when the two of us began the Companions, we don't know her very well.  It turns out that she is gifted in many areas, and eager to share them with us: from cooking to reconfiguring the flow of furniture to fundraising to healing arts.  She's a delightful addition, and she's giving us the gift of practicing living with a third person.

At the same time, one of our Covenant Group members asked to become a Covenant Companion, a more demanding and intimate relationship.  He too brings many gifts that he's looking to use, including creativity around organizations and seeking solutions, lots of small group experience, and his own unique history.   We are blessed to have him with us.

With all this energy flowing in, it can be easy for me to "fly off" in all directions.  It's more important than ever to keep praying, keep meditating, keep doing the things that ground me.  But just as important is the celebration that God is up to something.

For years we have said that CMA is not just Elizabeth and me, but people looking in could easily not see that.  With each day, it seems, it is becoming a reality that others will be able to see and share in.  And it's not up to me to make it happen.  I am tending the hearth, but I am not the fire.  The fire of the Spirit is doing what She does, and it is beautiful.  Thank you, God!