But last night, after a day that seemed pretty good, Shadow peed on the bed. My bed, where I was sleeping. In the morning she used the litter box pretty much nonstop, and was generally restless and miserable. I took her to the vet, who diagnosed her with bladder cystitis - a common response to stress in cats! So she got some pain pills, and an antibiotic in case it's a bladder infection, and she got a prescription to relax. Now we're in my room, her litter box is back in here, the door is closed, and she is getting some rest. My sheets and blankets are cleaned and dry. I've promised her a spa day, or two.
What makes this more than an interesting story? I think Shadow is manifesting what we all are going through in the new CMA eastern household. We want this change (more than our cats do!), but it's still stressful. Like them, we have days that are two steps forward, then days that seem to stall or go backward. I'm trying to get used to a monastic schedule again, with its more limited work time in favor of prayer and community. I'm learning again to live with another person, and more - I'm learning about accountability to my companions, both the ones I live with and those who live far away. We made promises together for six months, but that's the easy part. Now there's learning to live them.
So please pray for Shadow, and for Phoebe, and for all of us. Good stuff is brewing (more on that later), but it's still hard work to find our new places in God's universe. Thank you to all who are praying for us!
A somewhat pricey product called Feliway (best price at Amazon.com) reduces stress in cats. My male cats appreciate it; I don't know if it helps females. There are lots of reviews online.