Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sunday, January 3: Second Sunday of Christmas

Daily Office readings: Wisdom 7:3-14; Colossians 3:12-17; John 6:41-17
First off, thanks to everyone who prayed for me during the recent retreat. It was a beautiful time with 16 people who showed up to be honest and vulnerable. I look forward to May 6-8, when we have our next one at Holy Cross, and I look forward to being in Maryland January 15-17.
Starting today we will be in silent retreat through January 10, so you will have to celebrate Epiphany and the Baptism on your own. Talk amongst yourselves.
But right now, due to the wonders of delayed publication, I can be with you for these wonderful days. The theme of Christmas - that Christ became human that we might become divine - continues. Solomon, the traditional author of the book of Wisdom, describes his love of wisdom and his joy in finding it: "those who get it obtain friendship with God." But it's the Colossians reading that is closest to my heart. We use it at the ceremony for admitting new Companions, as we used it for our clothing ceremony. The author tells his audience to "clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience"; to "clothe yourselves with love"; to "be thankful"; to "let the peace of Christ dwell in you richly." That is a lifetime's work, one at which I fail daily, but even the glimpses of it increase my desire for it. If ever there was a good New Year's prayer, this is it. Not a resolution, for that sounds like I can just do it, but a prayer. 
Please God, clothe me this year in this way. Let your peace dwell in me, in us. Teach me to forgive. Give me courage to teach and admonish, and to be taught and admonished. Make me as hungry for wisdom as Solomon, as hungry for you as I have been for lesser things. Feed me with yourself. Receive me as your beloved child. I ask this through your beloved one, Jesus. Amen.

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