Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Lambeth, O Lambeth!

Yesterday I read that the Archbishop of Canterbury has specifically decided not to invite the same-sex spouses of bishops to attend next year's Lambeth Conference.  Although this currently affects only one bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mary Glasspool, that won't be true forever.  Last week the diocese of Maine elected the first diocesan bishop who is married to a same-sex partner.  (Language is tricky here.  I can't say "the first married gay diocesan," because I'm sure many diocesans have been gay and married; they just weren't married to a person of the same gender.  That seems to be OK with the archbishop.)

I understand that Archbishop Welby met with Bishop Glasspool and her wife last December.  I know they were all very adult, seeking to find common ground or something.  But I keep thinking: how about the bishops in Africa who endorsed capital punishment for same-sex relations?  How about those who have expelled LGBTQ people from congregations and offices?  How about those who call us perverted or diseased or demonic?  Are they invited?  Are their spouses invited?

I know the rationale for the anti-gay hatred.  In those countries, standing with the outcasts would amount to giving Christianity a bad name, ammunition in a culture war,  I don't recall that Jesus made decisions that way.  And if it works in Africa, can't we say the same over here?  What does it do for the "name" of Christianity in North America when the Anglican Communion won't recognize our changing culture?  So many people hunger for a church where they can be at home.  I hunger for them to know one.

Would Jesus attend this gathering?  Likely he would.  He went to the homes of Pharisees.  But when he went, he taught them a thing or two.  He made sure that some "sinners" got in the door with him.  He would not, I believe, have gone and acted like it was OK to leave out the woman who loved him so outrageously.  He would not have asked Levi to stay home because a tax collector was tainted.  He went to Zacchaeus' house, daring people to tell him not to.

Oh my church, my church!  How often Jesus has longed to teach you, to comfort you, but you were not willing!

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