Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Again? Still?

I keep thinking about this series of appearances that Jesus makes.  This coming Sunday we will have another; I'll get to that one on Sunday.  But it's kept me thinking about the earlier ones.  As I pray with Jesus I get a fuller, less orthodox picture of his response.

First he sends the women.  The men don't believe them.  OK.  Nothing shocking about that; even if we leave out patriarchy, I might find it hard to believe.  But then Jesus appears to the gathered disciples (who likely included women).  Now many of them, probably more than a dozen, have seen and talked with him.  But Thomas won't believe them.  So Jesus comes again.  And here's where it gets tricky.

The written text doesn't give us mood or tone.  All we have are the words, so we are free to project our own feelings and hopes and fears onto the text.  How do you imagine Jesus answering?

I've usually seen him as patient and loving.  I hate the move to scapegoat Thomas, so I want Jesus to save him from us.  But yesterday, sitting with Jesus in the chapel, I saw another scene.  I saw Jesus frustrated and impatient.  "OK, you won't believe your companions?  Fine.  Just stick your finger there, buddy.  How do you like them apples?"
"Go ahead.  How many times do I have to go through this?  I need you to believe, to tell others.  I didn't just rise from the dead for my health.  I am trying to save the world here, trying to show you something.  So get with the program!"

Who is to say that this version isn't faithful to the original?  We know Jesus got frustrated and upset sometimes.  The Jesus I know isn't always serene.  Sometimes he's in the Temple of my heart, overturning all the tables.  Sometimes he's crying over the ways I hurt and endanger myself and others.  And sometimes he laughs at me, with me.

Spend some time with Jesus this week, with this Gospel passage (John 20:24-29).  What is he saying to you this Easter season?  How is he saying it?

Have fun!

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