Thursday, April 20, 2017

April 20, Thursday in Easter Week

Alleluia!  Christ is risen!
I’m sorry to have been so silent during these wonderful days.  We’ve had a lot going on here, which I will write about in our newsletter.  More is coming up, so I’ll be posting infrequently for a bit.  But that doesn’t mean that Easter joy isn’t here and flowing.  This is the season for Mary Magdalene to come into her stature as an apostle, after all.

The theme in all the readings this week is renewal and new life and miracle.  Where are you seeing this around you?  This is a good exercise for any day, any time of day.  Where are you open to being surprised by joy, by gratitude, by wonder?  Is it an unfolding flower?  The first baby animals?  The beauty of liturgy or Scripture?  A burning heart within you?  Where do you notice that what seemed dead is coming to life?

Here, I’m delighting in daffodils and reveling in green leaves.  The song birds are back.  The alleluias are back in the daily office, along with joyful hymns and antiphons.  And, yes, we are going through some changes that feel like loss, but even there I’m suspicious that new life is emerging so I’m hopeful.

Look for resurrection, and tell us what you find.  Easter blessings to you!

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