Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Companions of the Companions - more wow.

On Sunday, we had our first "Companions of the Companions" dreamtime meeting.  We are looking for ways for women and men to affiliate with us, ways that aren't just the same old menu of associates and oblates, but still offer real relationship and commitment.  Our friends told us that "associate" is a business term, not a spiritual one, so we are building both a structure and a language for community.

Ten women joined us for dreaming.  We shared our passions and hopes for what a relationship would bring.  In the end, six women signed up to be a "dream team" to ask what is needed, and to design a "menu" that is flexible but meaningful.  We committed to having a menu by September 22, when we will gather again and invite people to enter more deeply into community.

It was a great meeting!

What made it great was not how many people showed up, or who in particular showed up.  Many people who planned to attend couldn't make it, and others we didn't anticipate did.  It was not great because of "what we got done," for no product was produced beyond a commitment to next steps.

The meeting was great because people came with their passions and concerns, and they shared them with one another, and they were heard, and they translated them into concrete next steps.  It was great because community was formed and deepened, purpose was clarified, and people left fired up.

Elizabeth and I put a lot of time into planning our regular gatherings, and into planning meetings like these.  We have wonderful, talented friends who coach us.  We want to honor those who sacrifice their time to come to such an event, so work to make it meaningful and on time.  So for me, personally, one of the highlights was when one woman who has been to a number of our events told me how much she sees and appreciates what we do.  She said she could relax, knowing that everything will happen, all will be heard, we won't be rushed, but we will be focused and on schedule.  And she loved seeing us work together.

This is the best part for me.  I love working with Elizabeth.  I love having a partner in ministry who is gifted, and who keeps working to improve and refine her gifts.  I love going into a meeting knowing that she has my back, and I have hers.  That's what I want for all of us.

Companions don't just like one another.  Companions work with, challenge, and inspire one another.  I give thanks for a companion like that, and for all the new companions coming into my life who inspire and challenge me.

Put September 22 on your calendar.  Think about what affiliation you desire, or need.  Let us know.  Write!

See you on the road!

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