Saturday, February 21, 2015

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Isaiah 58:9b-14; Psalm 86:1-11; Luke 5:27-32

Yesterday we heard Matthew’s version: today we are reminded again that Jesus calls those who know they need help.  But that’s not a license to avoid transformation.  It’s a starting place, not a home.  We are called to repentance, to metanoia, to turning.
But what is this repentance?  What will it involve?  I want to know.  Is there a checklist somewhere?
Sort of.  We heard it two days ago.  Pick up my cross.  Give up my life to save my life.  It sounds just vague and extreme enough to be romantic.  But Isaiah is more specific.  
Take a real sabbath - no shopping, no cleaning, no watching violence for entertainment, no business deals.
Stop blaming and gossiping.
Share your food and shelter, and work for decent medical care.
Very specific.  Not very romantic.  That’s the daily cross.  That’s turning.  

And what do I get?  Ah, we heard that too two days ago.  I get life.  I get guidance, and refreshment, and renewal.  I get my own needs taken care of, in ways I can’t anticipate.  I get to be like a watered garden, like a spring of water whose waters never fail.  I get eternal life, here and now.
This is the fast that feeds me, the cross that lifts me.  This is the death that leads to eternal life.  
God, give me the courage to follow you today.  Help me be specific and clear.

For a beautiful chant of Isaiah 58:11, go to ITunes:

(Today we are leading a quiet day at Trinity Episcopal Church in Princeton, NJ.  Please pray for us and for the participants, that we hear the message of life.)

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