First Thursday in Advent
Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 118:19-24; Matthew 7:21-27
Is it just me, or does this Gospel passage make you nervous?
I’m just not sure I’m walking the walk. I can talk the talk, I can even talk it in ways that might entertain or enlighten you. But am I walking? Am I building on rock?
Today is the third day of our quarterly silent retreat. For three days we try to put aside our work and our conversations in order to listen to God. I spend time with Scripture, and out in nature. I try to empty my mind of the daily in order to hear the voices I usually miss. It’s actually quite new for me to be at the computer during those days, but i believe this writing is part of my retreat. It’s time with Scripture, time for reflection.
But it can easily degenerate into looking out the window, doing a puzzle just because, or reading beyond the limits of digestion. I can follow the rules and still miss the point.
On the other hand, I can ignore some of the practices that do build my foundation because they don’t fit my picture of spiritual practice. Every morning I write for 15 minutes about something I’m reading or a problem I’m working on. I plan my meals for the day. Then I do 30 minutes of yoga, then I wash. Finally I sit down with Jesus. Some days i think I’m slacking because I used to spend more time on Scripture. I neglected to exercise, I didn’t reflect on my life too much, but by gum, I was with Jesus!
Now I see that my daily practices open me to God in ways just as real and profound as sitting and reading. They are part of my foundation. They aren’t as dramatic as ecstatic prayer, much less casting out demons; but they center me and make me useful.
In this season of the coming of the immanent God, Emmanuel, God with us, I can begin to see that my picture of “spiritual practice” can still be too focused on the transcendent God at the expense of the God who shows up in daily life. Today I pray for strength to do my yoga, I begin my writing with gratitude, I read everything as I would Scripture.
What practices do you use to build a foundation? Which ones no longer serve you? Which ones do you need to adopt this year?
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