Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gratitude November 26

Late in the day.  I'm grateful for Aidan's powerful preaching this morning.  He nicely dissected the threads of empire that linger in the "feast" of "Christ the King."   I'll let you watch the whole thing on the Holy Cross sermon blog:

Aidan pointed out that with Constantine's conversion the empire did not become Christian; rather, the Church became imperial.  Within the liturgical churches this shows up especially in architecture and vestments, direct borrowings from Roman imperial culture.  But it sneaks into the mindset of so many Christians who miss the days when "we" set the rules and the standards, when the whole commercial world stopped on Sunday, when children went to Sunday School and were "confirmed" whether or not they found any faith to affirm.

I wish the world stopped and we all observed a day of rest together.  But we don't.  I am mindful of faithful Jews, who have long lived in countries that didn't stop for their Sabbath; and now, of Muslims in non-Muslim countries who contend with the same thing.  We who actually worship on Sunday, who try to rest, have brothers and sisters in our complaint - and they have experience to share with us.

So today I'm grateful too for being a follower of Jesus in this time when that does not go without saying.  I'm grateful to be part of a movement that is replanting in the midst of ruins.  I trust, and I stand for, a Church that does not rest on secular authority or custom but on the naked love of its members for Christ, and the desire to follow him and become one with him.

Bless you all as you root yourself in the Gospel, and trust in God alone.  I believe that is enough.

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