Monday, November 27, 2017

Gratitude November 27

Today I'm grateful to have a printer/copier that works.  This is our third copier in five years, so it can't be assumed that any copier will do!  It isn't fancy, but it's wireless and it serves most of our needs.

Just now I was printing out an Advent worship booklet for Matins and Vespers.  We will be away from home for two of the three weeks of Advent, and don't want to carry the enormous St. Helena Monastic Breviary (sorry, Sisters, it's wonderful but huge).  I copied pages from that and from our own worship booklets, so we have a portable version.  With our St. Helena Psalters we will be fine.  And some folks might want to join us for worship in Cincinnati (we will be at the Cathedral), and if they do we can use their copier to make it easy!  It's not pretty, but it works.

I'm old enough to remember mimeograph machines.  Someone had to type a stencil and then run it through this messy machine.  As I start to write what a pain that was for secretaries, I think of all the people whose jobs have been phased out due to technical advances.  I know that some of those jobs have been replaced by others using the new technologies, but there's still been a lot of transition and loss - and resentment and backlash.  So, as I give thanks for the privilege of this equipment, I pray for those who do not have access, those who are in cyber-deserts and shut out of the "new economy."  I pray that we will develop the wisdom to use our technology for the glory of God and the good of all creation.

For what are you grateful today?

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